June 09, 2010

This Blog Is Moving

So as Katie and I sort, organize, sell, and throw away as much life as we don't need for the next five years, I've also been trying to apply the principle of Simplicity to my life online. As you know, I love photography, and I love sharing that photography with my friends and family. And even though I may pursue making money with my work one day in the distant future, that time is not now. Maintaining our family blog, brandonandkatie.com, is a must.

Maintaining a photography blog, is not. Plus the way I have presented frombrandon.com has been in a more professional way than I intended and I am currently "building a brand" I do not wish to have. As such, paying for the domain name frombrandon.com is a rather pointless expense, and one that I don't want to necessarily stay chained to for the rest of my life. After talking through some ideas with Katie, I've decided to abandon my Blogger-hosted blog and begin posting my photographs here at frombrandon.posterous.com. Using Posterous allows me to post anything simply by sending an email, and they host everything I send to them. Though Blogger is a great service, it requires a bit more attention than Posterous does for what I need it to do.

This blog will stay where it is, but will now be located at frombrandon.blogspot.com. And for those who have become a fan of my "Brandon Price Photography" Facebook page, everything there will stay the same, but all future links will lead you here.

If you've enjoyed the photography here, I encourage you to go check out the new blog and subscribe to its content so that you won't miss what's being posted there.


Brandon Price

June 04, 2010

June 02, 2010

June 01, 2010

May 29, 2010

The Beauty of MagCloud

Like most photographers, I love seeing my stuff in print. But, like most hobbyists, much of my work only gets to live in a digital space. What I do print often ships straight to my occasional clients, and I don't have the money or space to be printing all of these for myself.

When I first heard about print-on-demand books, I was enthralled with the idea, and the price in comparison to getting an actual book published was amazing. Still, though, the cost can be pretty steep for a book of any good length or size. I do believe that there is an important place for Blurb and companies like it (I have a book in the mail as we speak), but there's something that a little company called MagCloud is doing that is just astounding, and it just might be that middle ground I've been hoping for.

MagCloud is designed to be a print-on-demand magazine service. You create the magazine (from scratch; no drag-and-drop templates), upload it as an 8.5x11 PDF, and they print it. There aren't a lot of confusing options; it's 20 cents per page plus shipping—that's it. If you're thinking of actually creating a regular magazine, they can even handle the subscription and shipping service themselves.

I'd been itching to try this thing out for quite some time, but didn't know what to print. Finally, after a wonderful session with two sisters a few weeks ago (here, here, and here), I decided to make a straight-forward, picture-only magazine to get a real feel for the print quality. I made it 20 pages (covers included), and because your proof copy is free, I only had to pay $1.20 for the shipping. (To order now costs $4.00 plus shipping.) I ordered it on Friday and it arrived the Friday after.

And I couldn't be more happy with it.

The magazine arrived in a sealed, clear plastic sleeve (not shown). Bulk orders are shipped to you in boxes.